Hey all,
I decided that, with so many projects currently underway fractured across numerous Skyrim Nexus pages, it was high time I started a blog in order to keep everyone up to date on what I’m working on. Here we go!
Current Development:
- The website navigation has been reorganized a bit. You can now get to all of my mods from the “Survival Mods” and “Other Mods” category menus. I’ve also made my policy and contact info more accessible.
- Campfire 1.7 and Frostfall 3.0.2 are about a day’s worth of work away from release. Unfortunately I’ve had a lot going on IRL for the past week, so I haven’t had that day afforded to me. My schedule should be freeing up soon.
- The Campfire Dev Kit will be updated for 1.7 to support conjured shelters and items, as well as adding your own skill trees into the system. This will make Campfire (as of this writing) the only practical way to add new standalone skill tree advancement systems to Skyrim that doesn’t replace or override an existing perk tree. This will be a major new addition and I’m excited to see what other mod developers do with this.
- Simply Knock‘s release was a surprising success; I’m very happy with how it works and where it is now (and apparently a lot of other people are, too). I will be publishing another small update that will default to unlocking a door if you possess the key for it. Beyond that, I don’t see anything that needs to be added. I will continue to support it off-and-on if bugs are discovered for the rest of the month. I will turn it over to “community support” on March 1st.
Future Development:
- After updates to Campfire and Frostfall are out of the way, I’m going to be pushing a small update to Wearable Lanterns. I will be making minor updates to code, fixing some outstanding bugs, and adding Settings Profiles in order to bring WL in line with the rest of my mods that also use this system.
- Frostfall 3.1 will come next. The focus of this update is an overhaul to the exposure system, user-configurable warmth and coverage, and of course, bug fixes.
- Last Seed 1.0 is slated for release following Frostfall 3.1.
- Hunger in the North – I see this being developed hand-in-hand with Last Seed since it constitutes so much of the gameplay balance. There’s a very good chance that this will be released before Last Seed since getting this right is very important.
- Real Shelter – I am now steering the future development of Real Shelter now that ThreeTen is busy IRL. I’ll be working on this off-and-on as I work on Last Seed, but it’s not at the top of my priority list.